
Patricia Marten DiBartolo

卡洛琳L. 1927年沃尔心理学教授





Patricia DiBartolo ’89 returned to Smith to join the faculty after earning her doctorate in clinical psychology from SUNY-Albany. Her long st和ing research interests focus on investigating the definition 和 phenomenology of perfectionism across development 和 race, work first begun while she was an undergraduate. 在过去的十年里, DiBartolo’s scholarly interests exp和ed to include research on effective 和 equitable programs 和 pedagogy in higher ed. She has given more than 100 scholarly 和 poster presentations 和 published two books 和 45 articles 和 chapters on these topics. Her research has been featured in mainstream media venues, including Time, 健康, 红皮书今日心理学, published in a variety of scholarly outlets, such as 行为疗法, 心理评估, cbe -生命科学教育, 临床心理学评论, 认知治疗与研究, Scholarship 和 Practice of Undergraduate 研究.

One essential teaching commitment of DiBartolo’s research program is mentorship 和 collaboration with undergraduates, resulting in a significant number of student co-authors on publications 和 professional presentations over the years. 超越师徒关系, DiBartolo teaches several courses, 包括研究方法, 发展精神病理学, seminars in advanced research methods as well as child 和 adolescent anxiety disorders. In 2008, she was the recipient of Smith’s Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching.

DiBartolo has provided considerable service to the college, chairing her department as well as faculty council. From 2013 to 2017, she served as the inaugural faculty director of the sciences. From 2017 to 2020, she was the associate dean of the faculty/dean for academic development. 作为副院长, she oversaw strategic curricular initiatives 和 operations 和 coordinated diverse faculty professional development programs, ranging from new faculty onboarding to emeriti/ae matters, with the goal of building equity 和 inclusion. 在她的管理角色中, she organized a series of institutional grant-supported efforts leading collaborative teams that secured funding to support faculty development 和 curricular innovation from the Council on Undergraduate 研究, the Davis 教育al Foundation, the Creating Connections Consortium/Liberal Arts Diversity Officers (C3/LADO) 和 the Andrew W. 梅隆基金会. 当学院主任, she also served as the program director for the college’s Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant to build curriculum 和 programs that foster inclusive excellence in the sciences.


沃兹沃思L.P.伯吉斯,A.M., & DiBartolo P.M. (2021). Examining psychometrics of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale in children ages 8-12 using child 和 parent report. Child Psychiatry 和 Human Development. doi: 10.1007/s10578-021-01167-w

DiBartolo P.M.阿洛伊西奥,K.兰姆,M., li, M., & 再生草,C. (2018). Pivoting toward the future: Fifty years of summer research fellowship success catalyzes institutional change. Scholarship 和 Practice of Undergraduate 研究, 2, 55-63. doi: 10.18833 /刺激/ 2/2/4

伯吉斯,.M.迪巴托洛,P.M., & 瑞,M.J. (2017). Can the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale assess perfeccionismo? 心理评估, 29, 857-867. doi: 10.1037 / pas0000374

Katz, L.A.阿洛伊西奥,K.M.霍顿,n.n.J., li, M.普鲁斯,S.奎尼,K.罗文,C., & DiBartolo P.M. (2017). A program aimed toward inclusive excellence for underrepresented undergraduate women in the sciences. CBE。生命科学教育, 16:ar11, 1-9. doi: 10.1187 / cbe.16-01-0029.

DiBartolo P.M.格雷格·乔利,L.格罗斯,D.曼杜卡,C.艾弗森,E.D .库克.戴维斯,G.K.戴维森,C.赫兹P.E.希巴德,L.爱尔兰,美国.K.C., Pai, A.拉普斯,S.斯威基,K., & 斯沃茨,J.E. (2016). Principles 和 practices fostering inclusive excellence: Lessons from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Capstone Institutions. CBE。生命科学教育, 15:ar44, 1-11. doi: 10.1187 / cbe.16-01-0028.

伯吉斯,. & DiBartolo P.M. (2015). Anxiety 和 perfectionism: Relationships 和 mechanisms. 在F. Sirois & D. Molnar (Eds.), Perfectionism, health, well-being (pp. 177-203). 纽约:斯普林格出版社.

霍夫曼,年代.G., & DiBartolo P.M.  (Eds.). (2014). Social anxiety: Clinical, developmental, social perspectives (3rd ed.). Waltham, MA: Academic Press/Elsevier.

Rudnitsky,.埃利斯,G.迪巴托洛,P.M., & 谢伊,K. (2013). Developing a faculty learning community grounded in the science of how 人 learn: A year-long, faculty-led teaching 和 learning seminar.  在格罗西亚,J.E., & 克鲁斯,L. (Eds.), To improve the academy: Resources for faculty, instructional, organizational development, Vol. 32 (pp. 127-143). 旧金山.

DiBartolo P.M., & 瑞,M.J. (2012). A critical examination of the construct of perfectionism 和 its relationship to mental health in Asian 和 African Americans using a cross-cultural framework. 临床心理学评论,32, 139-152. 

DiBartolo P.M., & 走年代.P.  (2012). How children’s cognitive 和 affective responses to a novel task relate to the dimensions of perfectionism. Journal of Rational-Emotive 和 Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, 30, 62-76.

,阿尔巴诺.M., & DiBartolo P.M.  (2007). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social phobia in adolescents: St和 up, speak out—Therapist guide. New York: Oxford University Press.—Also translated 和 published in Korean (2013).

,阿尔巴诺.M., & DiBartolo P.M.  (2007). St和 up, speak out: Youth workbook. New York: Oxford University Press.

DiBartolo P.M.R .弗罗斯特.O.狄克逊,A., & 阿莫多瓦的. (2001). Can cognitive restructuring inoculate against perfectionistic concerns? 行为治疗,32, 167-184.           

霍夫曼,年代.G., & DiBartolo P.M. (2000). An instrument to assess self-statements during public speaking:  Scale development 和 preliminary psychometric data. 行为治疗,31, 499-515.

霜,R.O., & 貂,P.A. (1990). Perfectionism 和 evaluative threat. 认知治疗与研究, 14, 559-572.

霜,R.O.马丁,P.A.拉哈特,C., & Rosenblate R. (1990). 完美主义的维度. 认知治疗与研究, 14, 449-468.





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Ph.D., M.A., State University of New York at Albany


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