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Smith College students and alumnae are successful in fellowship competitions in substantial part because of faculty and staff support. We ask for your help in identifying candidates for fellowships requiring nomination or endorsement. 当你了解到哪些学生可能是强有力的候选人时,请通过填写一份表格让我们知道 fellowships candidate form. Your work with students as they develop sound fellowships plans and the letters of recommendation that you write in support of your students are vital to Smithies' success in nationally competitive award competitions. For questions or more information, email

Faculty Involvement

You are likely to be the first person your students ask about fellowships and postgraduate scholarship.

Fellowships advisers want to help you to help your students and recent alumnae to turn their questions into well grounded, competitive applications for particular awards. 如果你有问题,可以向奖学金顾问咨询.


What was your experience as an applicant? 你从获得奖项和加入澳门葡京博彩软件和研究员网络中获得了什么好处? 建议奖学金候选人时,你最喜欢的经验是什么? In what way did you learn most about advising candidates for competitive postgraduate fellowships?

Let Fellowships Program staff 知道你想如何提供帮助,或者你的问题是什么.

Encourage your students interested in fellowships and graduate scholarships to talk with one of the fellowship advisers.

我们将帮助个人了解奖项的详细要求, 为准备申请制定一个个人时间表, and begin to plan their applications.


A mock interview panel comprised of faculty members provides powerful constructive feedback to fellowship candidates. Large programs like our Fulbright campus endorsement process thrives on faculty participation in mentoring applicants.

You know your students—past and present—very well.

And we rely on you to let us know when you come across strong fellowship and graduate scholarship prospects. In general, strong prospects will be academically talented students who are active and ambitious in multiple dimensions.

What makes a strong prospect?

  • 几乎所有的奖项都是为了寻找优秀的学术成就. 这个特点并不能完全转化为GPA. 如果你相信你的候选人在学术上是优秀的,那么他们很可能是! Tell us why. 较高的平均绩点(前四分之一,有时用3表示).7+) is necessary for the most competitive awards.
  • 只有优异的学业成绩是不够的.
  • 研究证据(与教师合作的研究,出版物,研究海报展示等).)或在创造性工作(表演、写作、制作等)方面有相当的成就.)通常需要证明在相关领域的高成就和未来潜力.
  • Evidence of impact (whether through leadership or change-making of other sorts) is usually required to indicate the student's effectiveness and potential when engaging in work - intellectual and practical - with or on behalf of others.
  • Enthusiastic and articulate commitment to academic studies plus some substantial engagement with community, sports, politics, 和/或公共问题通常被要求作为智力活跃的标志, creativity, resilience, and maturity.
  • 入选澳门葡京博彩软件的多样性或澳门葡京博彩软件对多样性的承诺, equity, 竞争激烈的项目非常重视将他们纳入自己的职业规划.
  • 成功申请竞争性奖学金的记录, awards, and internships can help by providing external and internal recognition of excellence and potential.

让我们知道你认为谁有很强的团契前景 quick form.


If you agree to write, then your letter will be an influential part of your student's application for a highly coveted and prestigious award. 如果你的意思是“是”,请对你现在或过去的学生说“是”!!" 


Your letter can do much to enhance their competitiveness if it is detailed and engages with the requirements for the particular award. External letters to support an application to a foundation or program for a prestigious award may differ from other letters of recommendation you have written for this individual. 是的,你会被问到候选人迄今为止的学术成就. Foundations want to know much more. Recommenders are asked their thoughts about the candidate's potential to make an impact in their field of endeavor - sometimes looking far forward to the course of their career. 基金会希望听到你有充分信息的判断, 将这个候选人与你过去认识的其他人进行比较. In the intense competition for fellowships, your detailed examples and anecdotes about your candidate help selectors to distinguish one highly talented applicant from another.

Internal fellowship endorsement

Individuals who apply for Smith College endorsement complete an internal application and are evaluated in a panel discussion. Typically, 这个过程发生在春天的3月和4月,秋天的11月和12月.

如果推荐信是内部认可或提名过程的一部分, then you may be the only letter writer and your views will help selection panels decide if the candidate convincingly meets the award's selection criteria. 

Before endorsement is confirmed for the most prestigious of graduate scholarships (including Churchill, Marshall, Mitchell, and Rhodes), 候选人将接受面试,他们的申请将由教职员工小组审查. We welcome your participation in review panels.

Further guidance

关于奖学金推荐信的指导, 包括具体的基金会指导方针和截止日期,可以在推荐信部分找到 Apply for a Fellowship webpage.

目前,有两个常设委员会与奖学金组成教员工作 & Postgraduate Scholarships Program.

The campuswide Fellowships & 研究生奖学金审核及谘询委员会(“书院奖学金委员会”) 由学院教务长和院长共同任命,与奖学金密切合作 & Postgraduate Scholarship Program staff.

The committee helps identify and provide support for Smith College students who are well qualified applicants for the particular fellowship competitions and for the faculty and staff who act as their mentors, advisers, recommenders and evaluators. The academic year 2022 members are: Div. 1: Richard Lim, History, Maria Rueda, Spanish & Portuguese (on leave, spring 2022); Div. 2: Sara Newland, Government, Greg White, Government; Div. 3: Chris Gole, Mathematics, Sarah Moore, Engineering; Co-curricular centers: Erin Cohn, Wurtele Center for Leadership, Faith McClellan, Lazarus Center for Career Development; Adela Penagos, 学院副院长,负责咨询和指导.

科学中心杰出奖学金委员会 包括来自第三部门各部门和项目的部门代表, 以及具有较强自然科学取向的跨学科项目.

The committee, convened by the faculty director of the sciences, helps identify and provide support to Smith College students who are qualified applicants for particular natural science competitions (including Churchill and Goldwater Scholarships). 该委员会还为教师提供咨询资源, staff and students about how to best promote and support Division 3 students who seek competitive opportunities during undergraduate study and for graduate school. Academic year 2022 members are: Rob Dorit, Biological Sciences; Bosiljka Glumac, Geosciences*; Chris Golé, Mathematics and Faculty Director of the Sciences; Alicia Grubb, Computer Science; Mary Harrington, Neuroscience (on leave); James Lowenthal, Astronomy; Sarah Moore, Engineering*; Alexandra Strom, Chemistry*; Doreen Weinberger, 物理学*[*戈德华特奖学金提名委员会].

The 富布赖特美国学生计划校园委员会评估过程 at Smith College has long rested on the involvement of the many faculty mentors of our Fulbright applicants. Much of the Fulbright mentoring done by faculty is one-on-one with candidates working in their academic disciplines or about areas of the world they know well. The campuswide committee process brings together advisers to collect their thoughts about candidates and confirm Smith College endorsement of our Fulbright candidates.

作为申请过程的一部分,一些奖学金项目会对候选人进行面试. Faculty members who participate in interview preparation panels provide great support for candidates as they prepare for their high-stakes interviews.

教职员工为奖学金候选人提供必要的支持. Let Fellowships Program staff know your interest in serving on a standing committee or joining an ad hoc panel to work with our candidates.

Faculty Resources

We Offer the Following Resources

Deadlines for Faculty Letters of Recommendation

Date Evaluations/Letters/References Due
July 15 Rhodes Global 
August 29 Marshall, Mitchell, & Rhodes U.S. 
September 6 Fulbright references and language evaluations  
September 21 Pickering & Schwarzman for non-Chinese passport holders  
September 28 Rangel
October 12 Churchill, Gates Cambridge & Knight-Hennessy
October 18 DAAD 
October 28 NSF-GRF
October 21 Hertz  
October 27 Soros  
November 18 Crtical Language Scholarship 
December 1–January 5 Gates Cambride non-US (deadline of the 2nd or the 6th will depend on the course of study chosen)
December 2 Yenching 
December 15 Ford  
January 20 Beinecke, Goldwater & Truman references due
January 25 Boren  
February 6 NOAA Hollings  
February 13 Udall 
May 11 苏世民(中国护照持有者—中国大陆、香港、台湾、澳门)